Our team at Eastway Lock & Key, Inc. specializes in security solutions. We want to help you keep your home or business safe from intruders and threats, and we offer a wide range of services to give you the security and peace of mind that you deserve.
Throughout our many years of experience, we’ve noticed that many people neglect or overlook fire safety measures as they strive to increase their building’s security, which can have dire consequences. In this article, we’ll explain how you should test and maintain your fire alarms to best protect your building and everyone within the structure.
- Test Smoke Detectors – You should make sure to test the smoke detectors every year to check that they have the power they need to operate properly. For residential smoke detectors, you may need to replace the batteries and test the sensors to guarantee that they’re fully functional.
- Test the Alarms – You should also get your fire alarms tested to make sure they sound when they are supposed to. Triggering the smoke detector should always sound the alarm. In addition, make sure the alarm can be activated manually should the need arise.
- Conduct Fire Drills – Lastly, we encourage you to conduct regular fire drills in addition to checking your fire alarms. It’s important to know what to do and where to go when the fire alarms sounds, so plan your evacuation routes ahead of time and practice them on a regular basis. Make fire drills a part of the operations at your business and hold fire drills with your family members at home.