Door Installation: Let the Professionals Handle It!

There are many DIY projects out there that a reasonably skilled person could take care of on their own. Things like installing doorknobs or laying tile are just a couple examples of DIY projects that many people can do well enough if they want to stretch their skills a bit. However, if you are thinking about door installation, whether just one or several, this is a job best left to professionals like ours here at Eastway Lock & Key, Inc.

Door Installation: Let the Professionals Handle It!

Door installation isn’t necessarily difficult, but it is very time-consuming, especially if you are lacking in experience. When you are preparing to install a door, you have to make sure that things are not just level, but also plumb in accordance to the wall. You then need to align the door to the doorframe itself, which is often not perfectly square, leaving you with small allowances on the door that need to be adjusted. What can take someone experienced in door installation a few minutes can take hours for someone who is forced to take measurement after measurement and install and then reinstall the same door!

While door installation is something that won’t be terribly messy if you end up doing it incorrectly, it can end up costing you quite a bit of money and time. If you are looking for someone who can help you with your door installation needs, be they a few doors or many, we want to help you here at Eastway Lock & key, Inc. If you have questions about door installation of either commercial or residential properties, let us know today how we can help you.