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Fireproof Safes, Myrtle Beach, SC

When choosing fireproof safes, it is important to understand the fire rating.

One of the things that surprises most people when they begin a search for a safe for their Myrtle Beach, South Carolina home or business is that there are so many different types to choose from. At Eastway Lock & Key, Inc., we take the time to explain the various features so that you can decide on what will work the best for you. It is not enough for us to point out fireproof safes, for example, without discussing what that means and how it will perform for you.

Fireproof Safes in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

In the case of fireproof safes, it is important to understand the rating of each model you are considering. Despite its name, a fireproof safe is not impervious to fire indefinitely. They are rated based on the period of time they could protect their contents from the heat and power of a fire. Typically, we recommend going with fireproof safes that offer the longest fire protection that you can afford, as you never know how long it will take before a fire at your property is resolved. The minimum that we recommend is a fire rating of 1 hour, but if you can manage longer, that is advisable.

It is a common misconception that it is just the sturdiness of the safe that dictates whether it is fireproof. The reality is that fireproof safes are constructed with a fire seal on the door that expands during a fire to keep the fire out, as well as smoke and water. A better fire seal means greater expansion and therefore stronger protection.

If you would like to know more about fireproof safes or any of the safes we offer, don’t hesitate to stop by our showroom.

At Eastway Lock & Key, Inc., we install fireproof safes in Charlotte, Concord, Indian Trail, Huntersville, Mount Holly, Marvin, Rock Hill, and Waxhaw, North Carolina, as well as Myrtle Beach, Fort Mill, Surfside Beach, Garden City, Little River, Conway, Murrell’s Inlet, and Pawleys Island, South Carolina.