Home > Locksmith Blog > Three Reasons to Switch to a Keypad Lock [infographic]

Here at Eastway Lock & Key, Inc., our goal is to help you keep your home or business as safe and secure as possible, and we offer a variety of services and products to help you do just that. One of the many products we offer is keypad locks, which offer a number of benefits. In this article, we’ll go over a few reasons why you might want to switch to a keypad lock in order to help you decide if this is the right move for your needs.

Three Reasons to Switch to a Keypad Lock

  1. You Won’t Need Keys- One obvious benefit of using a keypad lock is that you will no longer need to carry a key. This is especially useful for large households, or for businesses, as it means that everyone can access the building when they need to without your having to worry about anyone losing a key and it falling into the wrong hands.
  2. Digital Locks are More Durable- Another benefit of keypad locks is that they provide greater durability than traditional ones. Over time, keyed locks can wear down due to friction and heavy use, and may eventually require you to jiggle the key or turn it just right in order to get it to work. Keypad locks don’t have the same problem with friction, which means they will last longer.

  1. You’ll Have Better Security- As we mentioned above, you will never have to worry about keys falling into the wrong hands with a keypad lock. On top of that, keypad locks are also immune to any attempts at lock picking, and they can’t be subverted by lock bumping, either.