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Having a spare key for your home or vehicle in the event of a lockout can save a lot of headache and stress in the moment. Instead of having to scramble to figure out a solution, a spare key can allow you to regain entry into your home or automobile with relative ease. To have spare keys made, key cutting is available to make reliable working copies of most types of keys.

Key Cutting Services: Get a Spare Key and Peace of Mind

Key cutting is the process of producing new keys for an existing lock. This includes making copies of your keys from the original one. However, key cutting is also more versatile than simple key cloning because it allows us to produce a new key even when the original key is not available. In addition to giving yourself a spare or replacement key, key cutting can also produce reproductions, so your kids or guests can have access when needed. Having copies of your keys can also keep your original key in excellent shape by reducing its use. Car key cutting can also be very beneficial, especially for when you need new keys for your vehicle. You can get those from the dealership as well, but at a much higher price than from a dedicated locksmith with the capabilities for those types of keys.

At Eastway Lock & Key, Inc., we offer key cutting in the Charlotte, North Carolina and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina areas. We know the value and importance of having spare and extra keys. Our team has been serving clients and reproducing keys for over 40 years, and our certified, professional technicians are adept at making high-quality reproductions that will work well. We are the only brick and mortar locksmith in Charlotte, and having an in-house locksmith with exceptional key duplication is a big plus.

If you are in need of key cutting services, contact us. Whether you need key duplications for your commercial, industrial, residential, or automotive needs, we’ve got you covered. Our team is efficient, courteous, and will take excellent care of you. Give us a call today or stop by our storefront for assistance!