Home > Locksmith Blog > 3 Ways to Upgrade the Security of Commercial Doors

Keeping your business or commercial property safe and secure is a top priority. You want to shore up any vulnerabilities in your building’s entry points to keep your assets protected. If you haven’t taken a fresh look at what’s available on the market today, you should.

3 Ways to Upgrade the Security of Commercial Doors

With modern innovations and enhanced protection features, there are many ways to upgrade the security of your commercial doors, including the following:

  1. Level up your door materials. Modern innovations or classic materials can strengthen your business’s defenses. Steel doors can offer incredible durability and resistance against fire and forced entry. Reinforced, impact-resistant, and privacy-coated glass reinforce your commercial doors, strengthening your building’s security while keeping its sleek aesthetic intact.
  2. Enhance and digitize locking mechanisms. Advanced security locking systems have added a new layer of protection to commercial doors. Commercial doors have never been so impenetrable as they are now, with exceptionally strong locking mechanisms and state-of-the-art digital authorization metrics.
  3. Integrate your security systems. The best security integrates every aspect of protection into one holistic system of defense. Considering how your business’s security measures build on each other, from materials to modern locks to your security camera network, will create an ecosystem of protection.

Whether your commercial property is brand new or decades old, modern innovations in the security industry are continually advancing to ensure your business stays protected. If you want to explore what options are best for your business, give our team a call at Eastway Lock & Key, Inc. We will be happy to guide you on upgrading your commercial doors.